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Air Force ROTC Detachment 905

Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders


Air Force ROTC offers more than just an education. The theoretical is transformed into the practical as cadets put to action what they have learned in the classroom. Cadets are gradually shaped into tomorrow’s leaders through an emphasis on leadership, teamwork, ingenuity, and taking initiative. In practice, this is achieved through AFROTC academic sessions, physical fitness standards, and hands-on experience via Group Leadership Projects.

AFROTC offers eligible students education and training that leads to a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Department of the Air Force while they pursue a major in any degree program offered our Host or cross-town universities. To register for the program, students enroll in the GMC coursework in the same manner as their other college coursework. Additional in-processing actions will be required, and if you have not heard from an AFROTC instructor, please contact us at

The AFROTC Curriculum

Profession of Arms

Cadets begin by being exposed to what it means to be an Officer in the world’s most prestigious Air Force. By understanding military law and military customs and courtesies, cadets gain a rounded education on officership.

Communication Skills

Communication skills are vital to military leadership. As such, cadets are developed to have advanced oral and written communication skills.

Leadership Studies

Leaders are made, not born. Cadets are guided through lessons that develop their skills in leadership and management necessary for their future roles as officers.

Military Studies

Cadets receive instruction on how military resources – and more specifically those unique to the Air Force – are applied to conflict and how they are developed, managed, and employed.

Academic Structure

Academically, AFROTC is structured to have three main components: academic classes, weekly leadership laboratory (LLab), and physical training (PT). Cadets are expected to register for both their appropriate aerospace studies class as well as the leadership laboratory each semester. Additionally, twice-weekly PT attendance is mandatory. Further information on the course breakdown, to include credit hours, can be found here.


AFROTC can be further broken down into the General Military Course (GMC) and the Professional Officer Course (POC).  The GMC typically focuses on developing follower-ship and an introduction to basic leadership positions. As such, cadets during years one and two are considered GMC cadets. Upon completion of Field Training, cadets now enter the POC. The POC typically focuses on greater leadership roles and responsibilities, and directly prepares cadets to enter the U.S. Air Force or Space Force as officers. As such, cadets in their third and fourth year are considered POC cadets. Required courses are listed below:

Year 1 – Freshman (GMC)

Heritage and Values I and II

Year 2 – Sophomore (GMC)

Team and Leadership Fundamentals I and II

Leadership Laboratory (LLab)

Held every Thursday from 1700 to 1900, LLab instruction is conducted within the framework of an organized Cadet Wing that mirrors the structure of an active duty Air Force organization. This is a cadet run laboratory designed to have a progression of experiences to develop each student’s leadership and teamwork skills. Cadets will apply their skills in hands on scenarios to better prepare them for officership. Events range from Air Force customs and courtesies to drill and ceremonies and more.


Physical Training (PT)

PT, and more specifically physical and mental health, is a cornerstone of military service and is fundamental in being successful as an officer. Cadets are required to attend at minimum two weekly morning PT sessions, that is typically offered at their host universities. Typically, cadets can be expected to complete a 1.5 mile run and as many push-ups and sit-ups as possible in a one-minute timeframe*. The Air Force physical fitness standards can be found here. Note: Air Force PT standards are always subject to change.


While the outlined timeline above is the traditional course taken by many cadets, we recognize that there are certain situations potential cadets may find themselves in that do not fall into this course of events. Many cadets take up to 5 years to complete their degree and some individuals may find themselves joining during their second year. For special circumstances such as those outlined above, contact us and we can get you on the right track.

Field Training – The First Milestone

One of the biggest milestones in a cadet’s career is attending Field Training (FT) which is typically during the summer between their sophomore and junior years. FT is hosted at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Though being much shorter and lasting roughly two weeks, FT is somewhat similar to Basic Training. At FT, cadets are evaluated on the skills they have learned so far and are ranked against their peers through their performance on various challenges, projects, and overall officership.

Attendance is earned, and cadets must compete for an enrollment allocation typically during their sophomore year. There are multiple factors in determining who earns an enrollment allocation, with the big three being grade point average (GPA), physical fitness performance, and overall participation in the program. Upon graduation from Field Training, cadets are considered officially committed, if they are not already, by signing their first contract. This contract is functionally a precursor replaced by the later earned commissioning contract. Additionally, these graduated cadets – meeting additional criteria such as medical clearance, Air Force Officer Qualifying Test Scores, and favorable recommendations – move from the GMC to the POC to continue working toward their commission.

A Greater Challenge – Special Warfare

Looking to be pushed even further? Detachment 905 prides itself on its ability to cater to anyone’s interests and talents. Cadets not only exceed academically, but are also offered unique opportunities to be pushed to their physical limits. This is done through special cadet run programs such as Extended Training Day (ETD) – a unique and intense training opportunity difficult to find elsewhere. During ETD, cadets undergo grueling physical and mental challenges similar to what may be seen during special warfare assessment and selection. See the video below for a closer look: